History Of Software Development

Software development is an age-old process that has undergone many changes. However, not everyone has a clear understanding of the formation of software development. History Of Software Development will provide you with useful knowledge on this matter.

Origins of computer science

The calculation has been around since ancient times, with devices such as the abacus, the Antikythera mechanism, and Al-Jazari’s programmable castle clock. However, these devices are pure hardware and have no software. Their computing power is directly tied to their particular form and technique.

The software required the concept of a general-purpose processor, now described as a Turing machine. As well as computer memory in which usable sets of mathematical functions and routines including programs can be stored, started and stopped individually and have only appeared recently in human history.


The first known computer algorithm was written by Charles Babbage in the 19th century for his Planned Analytical Engine, to translate Luigi Menabrea’s work on Bernoulli numbers into machine instructions. However, this was still only a theory, the rudimentary technical state of the time in the life of these two mathematicians proved insufficient to build the Analytical Instrument.

The first modern theory of software was proposed by Alan Turing in his 1935 essay Computable numbers with an application to Entscheidungsproblem (decision problem). This eventually led to the creation of two academic fields, computer science, and software engineering, both of which study software and its creation.

Computer science is more theoretical (Turing’s essay is an example of computer science), while software engineering focuses on more practical concerns. However, before 1946, the concept of program software stored in the memory of a digital computer stored programs did not exist. Instead, the first electronic computing devices were rewired to reprogram them.

The ENIAC was one of the first electronic computers, programmed largely by women who used to work as human computers. The engineer would give the programmers an ENIAC wiring blueprint and expect them to figure out how to program the machine.

The women who worked as programmers prepared for the ENIAC to go public for the first time, connecting patch panels for demonstrations. Kathleen Booth developed assembly language in 1950 to make it easier to program the computers she was working with at Birkbeck College. This is the first information in the History Of Software Development.

What is the definition of software development?

To understand the History Of Software Development, we first need to understand their definitions. Software development originates from the creation of a computer program to create software that users need. Software developers would then seek the help of computer programmers to create the necessary coding to run the software.


Whereas, software engineering is all about using engineering principles to make software. Software engineers have tools that developers can use to create their applications and programs. An interface system was created to connect computer systems and the people who use them.

The software includes programming languages, data, instructions, and information that dictate how the computer will accomplish the many tasks at hand. The human-readable instructions that programmers follow are in the source code. The source is run through a compiler that is responsible for converting it into machine code for the software to work on. This is further information on the History Of Software Development.

History of computer software

In his manuscript “Mathematical Theory of Communication”, Claude Shannon (1916–2001) gave an outline of how binary logic could be implemented for computer programming. Later, early computer programmers used binary code to instruct computers to perform various tasks. However, this process is very arduous.

Computer programmers must provide long strings of binary code to tell the computer what data to store. Code and data had to be loaded into the computer by various tedious mechanisms, including turning a switch or punching holes at predetermined positions in the card and loading these punch cards into the computer. With such methods, if something goes wrong, the entire program may have to be reloaded from scratch.

The first time a stored program computer kept a piece of software in electronic memory and successfully executed it, was 11 a.m. on June 21, 1948, at the University of Manchester, on the Manchester Baby computer. It was written by Tom Kilburn and calculates the highest factor of integer 2^18 = 262.144.


Starting with a large trial divisor, it divides with the divisor 262,144 by repeated subtraction, then checks if the remainder is zero. If not, it reduces the trial divisor by one and repeats the process. Google honored the Manchester Baby, celebrating it as the “birth of software”.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, a popular innovation was the development of computer languages such as Fortran, COBOL, and BASIC. These languages allow programs to be specified abstractly, independent of the exact details of the computer’s hardware architecture. These languages are mainly intended to define numerical operations.

COBOL was first conceived when Mary K. Hawes convened a meeting (including Grace Hopper) in 1959 to discuss how to create a computer language to share between businesses. The innovation of Hopper with COBOL is developing a new symbolic way to write programs.

Her program is self-documenting. Betty Holberton helped edit the language which was filed with the Government Printing Office in 1960. FORMAC was developed by Jean E. Sammet in the 1960s. Her book, Programming Languages: History and Fundamentals (1969), became an influential text.

When was software invented?

The history of software development began in the UK in 1948 with the small-scale laboratory machine Manchester. Nicknamed “Baby”, has led to the release of all software in the history of the world. Computer scientist Tom Kilburn is the man who invented this groundbreaking event.

The technology created for this hardware has been programmed to perform calculations based on data and machine code instructions. Specifically, it only takes 52 minutes to correctly calculate the greatest divisor of 2 to the power of 18.

Years later came the age of computer programming with punch cards with each hole having a specific code. Fortran became one of the first high-level programming languages in the history of software development. Other early programming languages such as Cobol, BASIC, Pascal, and C were also developed and introduced many years later, overcoming the software crisis.

Hopefully, the article History Of Software Development will provide you with useful information.